Learning Management Software by Complit

In today’s digital age, educational institutions, including coaching centers, are seeking innovative ways to offer their courses online and offline, ensuring they cater to the needs of modern learners. Understanding this, COMPLIT has developed an all-encompassing Learning Management Software (LMS) designed specifically for coaching centers. This state-of-the-art LMS promises to revolutionize the way you manage and deliver your courses, creating an enriched learning experience for your students and a streamlined administrative process for you.

1. A Website to Attract Customers

The foundation of our LMS is a beautifully designed website that acts as the perfect front to attract potential students. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Course Purchases: Students can easily browse and buy the courses you offer, making the enrollment process straightforward and efficient.
  • Blog Integration: Share valuable insights, tips, and updates through blogs, enhancing your website’s content and engaging with your audience.
  • Dynamic Content: Keep your website lively and engaging with dynamic content that showcases your strengths and draws in customers.
  • Comprehensive Business Information: Provide all the necessary details about your coaching center, helping potential students make informed decisions.
  • Student Sign-Up and Login: Simplify the user experience with easy signup and login functionality, ensuring students can quickly access their accounts.

2. Robust Admin Panel

The heart of our LMS is the admin panel, packed with functionalities to help you manage every aspect of your courses and students:

  • Home Page Banners: Customize your homepage with attractive banners to highlight key messages and promotions.
  • About Us Section: Share your story and build a connection with your audience through a detailed "About Us" section.
  • Testimonials: Boost credibility by adding testimonials from satisfied students.
  • Blogs: Keep your content fresh and engaging by regularly adding new blog posts.
  • Package and Course Details: Easily add and manage the details of your course packages, ensuring everything is up-to-date.
  • Subject and Topic Management: Organize your courses effectively by adding subjects, topics, sub-topics, and even sub-sub-topics.
  • Discount Codes: Offer promotions and discounts to attract more students.
  • Student Management: Add students to batches, mark attendance, and manage their learning journey efficiently.
  • Assessment Tools: Create and add MCQs for students, helping them to test their knowledge and track their progress.
  • Resource Integration: Add videos, PDFs, and other resources to your packages, providing comprehensive learning materials.
  • Batch Management: Assign courses to specific batches and manage these groups with ease.

3. Web-App Features

Our LMS includes a powerful web-app designed to enhance the learning experience:

  • User Login: Students can log in using the credentials created on the website, ensuring a seamless transition between platforms.
  • Course Access: Students can view all the courses they have purchased or those assigned to their batch.
  • Learning Materials: Access the rich content provided in the courses, making learning flexible and accessible from anywhere.
  • MCQ Practice: Practice MCQs and check rankings, enabling students to track their progress and identify areas for improvement.

4. Mobile Application

To ensure learning on the go, our LMS also comes with a mobile application encompassing all the functionalities of the web-app. This ensures that students can continue their studies from anywhere, at any time, using their mobile devices.

Pricing and Support

All these features are available for an incredibly competitive price of ₹44,999. This package includes lifetime upgrades and six months of support, ensuring you always have the latest features and assistance when you need it.


COMPLIT’s Learning Management Software is a game-changer for coaching centers looking to expand their reach and enhance their educational offerings. With a comprehensive set of features designed to attract, engage, and manage students effectively, our LMS is your key to delivering an exceptional learning experience. Located in Sixmile, Guwahati, Assam, COMPLIT is dedicated to providing top-notch educational solutions tailored to your needs.

Buy Now for ₹44,999

Ready to transform your coaching center? Click the button below to get started with COMPLIT’s Learning Management Software.